A Cappella Love: Women in Black at the Barbershop Musicfestival 2024 in Dortmund

The Women in Black will take part in the Barbershop Musicfestival from 18.-21. April 2024 in Dortmund. The singers from Berlin will compete in the German Barbershop National Chorus Championship in the Goldsaal at the Congress Centrum Dortmunder Westfalenhallen on Saturday, April 20th, 2024. Time to rock the barbershop stage in Germany!

Join in the fun and see us on stage in Dortmund in April!
You’ll find information and tickets here.

Women in Black beim Onkel Tom Chorfest

Together with other choruses and ensembles we are going to sing at the Onkel Tom Chorfest at U-Bahnstation Onkel Toms Hütte on Saturday, am December 2nd, 2023 at 11 am. In the little mall, entrance Riemeisterstraße.

When: Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 at 11 am
Where: Onkel Toms Hütte (U3), in der Ladenstraße, entrance Riemeisterstraße. See you there!

Berliner Women meet Men from Cologne

“From the Spree to the Rhine” – the Women in Black and the Erster Kölner Barbershopchor are celebrating a “double concert” in Cologne on October 28th, 2023 at 8 pm. Join us for the fun!

When: October 28th, 2023 at 8 pm (entrance: 7.30 pm)
Where: Bürgerhaus Kalk, Großer Saal, Kalk-Mühlheimer-Straße 58, 51103 Köln

Tickets: 20 Euro, reduced price: 15 Euro, plus Vorverkaufsgebühr
Tickets für das Konzert gibt es hier.
Hier finden Sie Informationen über den Ersten Kölner Barbershopchor.
Foto: privat

Fun at the Fete de la Musique in Berlin-Zehlendorf

DThe Women in Black are going to perform on June 21st, 2023 around 6.30 pm at the Fete de la Musique at Kastanienhof, Clayallee 347, 14169 Berlin. Hope to see you!

Contact & Info:
01577 / 470 03 27

Open Rehearsal

Want to sing barbershop? Come to our open rehearsal!

Wann: Montag, 23.01.2023, 18.30-21.00 Uhr
Wo: John-F.-Kennedy Schule, Teltower Damm 87-93, 14167 Berlin

Sing, learn a new song, have fun and enjoy music with us.
Du hast auch Freude am Singen und möchtest Barbershop kennenlernen? Komm doch einfach zu unserer offenen Probe! Du wirst sehen, wieviel Spaß A-cappella-Gesang macht!

Contact & Info:
01577 / 470 03 27

Bild: Crelleton

“Nun singet und seid froh”

Die Women in Black aus Berlin singen bei Onkel Toms Chorfest in der Ladenstraße in Zehlendorf 

Wann: Samstag, 26.11.2022 um 11 Uhr
Wo: Onkel Toms Ladenstraße, U-Bahnhof Onkel Toms Hütte, 14169 Berlin
Eingang Riemeisterstraße

Kommen Sie vorbei, singen Sie mit uns weihnachtliche Lieder oder lassen Sie sich mit poppigen Rhythmen und mitreißenden Swing-, Jazz- und Filmmusikklassikern unterhalten. Danach lädt ein Spaziergang auf eigene Faust in die direkt angrenzende weltberühmte, denkmalgeschützte Onkel-Tom-Siedlung oder Waldsiedlung ein, die zwischen 1926 und 1931 u.a. von Bruno Taut, dem berühmten Architekten der Berliner Moderne, gebaut wurde. Sie ist nicht nur eine der bekanntesten, sondern mit rund 1.900 Wohneinheiten auch eine der größten und attraktivsten Siedlungen der 1920er Jahre in Deutschland.
Mehr Infos unter:

„Be our Guest“ – Vom Rhein an die Spree

The Women in Black from Berlin und the Erste Kölner Barbershopchor at a double concert in the capital

When: Saturday, October 29th, 2022 at 7.30 pm
Where: Wabe, Danziger Straße 101, Haus 105, 10405 Berlin

In their first joint concert the Women in Black from Berlin and their guests, Erste Kölner Barbershopchor, will present Swing, Jazz and film music classics, German and “kölsche” songs (songs from Cologne)

Mit jeder Menge Energie, hauchzarten Harmonien und faszinierendem Barbershop-Klang singen sich die Berliner Frauen und Kölner Männer herzerwärmend und witzig durch Liebeslust und Lebensfrust, von leiser Poesie bis zu sprühendem Charme. Ausdrucksstarke Mimik und lebendige Choreographien machen die Vorstellung zum Sehvergnügen.

Hier gibt es mehr Informationen über unsere Gäste, den Ersten Kölner Barbershopchor.

Due to the Corona pandemic this event got cancelled:

Die Women in Black singen bei der Frauen-Infobörse

Wann: 6. März 2020, von 16-19 Uhr. Die WiB singen um 18.15 Uhr.
Wo: Rathaus Zehlendorf, Bürgersaal, Teltower Damm 18, 14163 Berlin

“Chancen ergreifen – Gesicht zeigen – Gleichstellung weiter denken” ist das Motto der diesjährigen Frauen-Infobörse des Bezirksamtes Steglitz-Zehlendorf unter Leitung der Frauenbeauftragten, Hildegard Josten. Projekte, Organisationen und Vereine stellen ihre Angebote vor. Musikalische unterrahmt wird die Veranstaltung u.a. durch die Women in Black (WiB). Hier gibt es weitere Informationen. 
Foto: Rathaus Steglitz-Zehlendorf

Due to the Corona pandemic this event got cancelled:

Barbershop Musikfestival 2020

The Women in Black are going to compete at the Barbershop Musikfestival 2020 from April 3rd – 5th, 2020 in Dortmund.

Come and enjoy Germany’s biggest Barbershop-Event: A Cappella Explosion is the motto for numerous German and international choirs and quartets to gather in the concert hall in Dortmund. Be there to enjoy the German competitions of Barbershop choirs and quartets and also the mixed world competitions of Barbershop choirs and quartets – you will be swept off your feet by fantastic accapella sounds and impressive performances.
Foto: BinG

“An A Cappella Christmas”

The Women in Black host “An A Cappella Christmas” with special guests Chord Cracker, a German Barbershop Quartet based in Dresden and Berlin.

9. Dezember 2018 um 14 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: John F. Kennedy Schule, Teltower Damm 87-93, 14167 Berlin in the Small Aula

You are cordially invited! Please bring family and friends to this free concert with our special guests the bronze-medal winning German Barbershop Quartet Chord Cracker! Chord Cracker made 3rd place at the Coesfeld Cup in October 2018, an annual barbershop competition held by the German Barbershop Association BinG! (Barbershop in Germany).
Congratulations again, Chord Cracker!
Happy holidays to our guests at the concert and all our friends in Berlin and around the world!


Barbershop Concert with the Women in Black and the Barberellas from Bonn
22. September 2018 – 8.00 p.m.
event location: WABE, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Danziger Straße 101, Haus 105
10405 Berlin
Moderation: Suzanne Ritter

Tickets for the concert are available here:

The Women in Black in front of the Britto Bear on the grounds of the Berlin Kennedy School. The work of pop art artist Romero Britto and Anthony Kennedy Shriver, son of Eunice Kennedy, has been on the school gate since 2018. Eunice Kennedy was the sister of President John F. Kennedy.
Photo: private

Let´s do Barbershop! For the first time, the Berlin chorus Women in Black and the Barberellas from Bonn are presenting their enchanting program in the German capital. Everyone is sure to have a great time! Spirited uptunes and heart-rending ballads in close harmonies generate the distinctive barbershop sound. The singers tell the stories of life in their songs: rollicking and soulful, dancing and smiling, the lyrics usually have the same theme: love! These ladies look at the world through rose-coloured glasses, watch a storm roll in, or let men drive them crazy – who could blame them for seeking comfort in Schokolade?

The barbershop style has its roots in the southern states of the US at the end of the 19th century. Barbershops served as social and cultural meeting places, initially for the wealthier white men, but later for blacks as well. Black barbershops emerged – places for black men of all generations – forging a shared identity. This is where the barbershop sound was born, an amalgam of Afro-American and Euro-American musical elements, which sometimes veers purposely off-key, only to resolve in the purest harmonies. Soon women, too, discovered the extraordinary sound. When these ladies hit the harmonies just right, they generate overtones – a sound you will not soon forget!

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